Ligand Gated Receptors

The ligand gated receptors are receptors that bind to specific neurotransmetters and open/close gates. The influx of ions will alter the voltage levels.

Nicotinic ACh Receptor

The nicotinic ACh (nACh) receptor is a protein of 5 A, A, B, G, D subunits(55~kMr) of four transmembrane (total 275~kMr). The nACh is ionotropic. α-bungarotoxin binds to nACh. Antagonist: curare.

Nicotinic ACh Receptor

The GABAA and glycine receptors belong to the same type of receptors as nACh-R. The subunits contains 4 transmembrane, and M2 region forms the channel pore. GABAA receptor binds to benzodiazepines and barbiturates such as phenobarbituratal and secobarbital, and increase chlorine. The benzodiazepines are anxiolytic such as diazepam (Valium) and chlordiazepoxide (Librium).