グルコース glucose をピルビン酸 pyruvic acid へ分解する生化学反応経路です。pyruvic acid ->
aerobic: acetyl coenzyme A with NAD+, 2 HCO3-
anaerobic: lactate with 2 NADH, pyrubic at liver
LDH(lactate de-OH-genase) is a tetramer. LDH subunits has M-form(in skeletal muscle) and H-form(in heart smooth muscle) and forms H4(LDH1), H3M(LDH2), H2M2(LDH3), HM3(LDH4), and M4(LDH5).
Pyruvate dehydrogenase is a multienzyme complex of E1, E2, E3. The diameter 30 nm, polyhedral, spherical subunits. E1 attaches to E3 via E2.
E1 pyruvate de-OH-genase(lipoamid)
E2 di-OH-lipoamid transacetylase
E3 di-OH-lipoamid reductase
Thiamine pyrophosphate(TPP) binds to E1, and lipoate binds to E2. E1 gives TPP to pyruvic acid, which is replaced by lipoate from E2. CoASH then binds to acetyl group. E3 converts dihydrolipoate to lipoate with NAD+.