DNA 複製
- 遺伝子工学
- DNA 複製
DNA replication steps are as follows: binding to initiation site, unwinding
dsDNA(double stranded DNA), holding ssDNA(single stranded DNA),
preventing supercoiling, priming with hnRNA, elongation by polymerase,
proofreading, removing the primer, combining fragments, and rewinding
ssDNA. Replication rates are 750-1000 bp in bacteria, 50-100 bp in eukaryotes.
In prokaryote DNA synthesis, the replication starts with 20-40 DnaA
(52 kMr, tetramer) binding to oriC(origin of replication) site, which requires
ATP and HU. Helicase(DnaB, 300 kMr, hexamer) and DnaC complex
unwinds dsDNA, which also requires ATP. DnaC is released by DnaT,
and SSBs(single stranded DNA-binding protein, tetramer) holds ssDNA
from winding. Primase(DnaG, 60 kMr) synthesizes hnRNA, the first DNA
sequence. Primase, helicase, DnaT and PriA/B/C form primosome. The
complementary DNA sequences are synthesized by polymerase III(DnaE,
1 MMr, 10 subunits, dimer). Subunit ; ϵ; forms the core which is dimerized
by subunit, while as forms sliding clamp, and
; ; ′; ; subunits
plays a role in clamp loading. At the leading strand, one consecutive DNA
sequence is synthesized, and at the lagging strand Okazaki fragments(1-
5 kbp) are synthesized. The primer sequence of the fragments are removed
by polymerase I(3 subunits), and combined by DNA ligase. Polymerase
I contains 5'-3' exonuclease and polymerase which ``translate
nicks'', i.e. relocate nicks. Polymerase III and primosome form replisome.
The DNA sequence polymerized from NTP, removing triphosphate.
Polymerase II proofread the DNA. Topoisomerase I loosens supercoiling
by cleaving single stranded DNA, while topoisomerase II(gyrase) cleaves
double stranded DNA. subunit of gyrase cleaves dsDNA whereas subunit
is a ATPase. At termination site(ter sequence) the replication ends
by binding to Ter(ter binding protein).
In the case of phase infected E.coli, initiation starts with O protein
binding to ori. P protein and dnaB protein binds to O protein. Deassociation
of P protein by dnaK, dnaJ, and GrpE activates dnaB helicase.
In eukaryotes, DNA polymerase corresonds prokaryote DNA polymerase
I and replicates DNA at the lagging strand. DNA polymerase
repair the sequence, DNA polymerase corresponds to prokaryote DNA
polymerase III. DNA polymerase ϵ corresponds to prokaryote DNA polymerase
II and repairs the DNA sequence. DNA polymerase
mitochondria DNA.